Welcome to the Chat!
A few things we should expect from each other.
✅Read/follow: Community Guidelines
✅Remember to have FUN!
✅Enjoy the stream.
✅Please be respectful of all people.
✅You must play to win!
🚫No Racism (or Slurs) or Hate Speech.
🚫No Sexism.
🚫No Political Discrimination.
🚫No Religious Discrimination.
🚫No foul language or insulting of any kind.
🚫No Trolling.
🚫No self promoting.
🚫No promoting others.
🚫No Spamming the chat
🚫No Age discussion.
🚫No spoilers.
🚫Don't ask for a shoutout or free stuff.
🚫Don't be a Horace the Hate Bug.
✅Read/follow: Community Guidelines
✅Remember to have FUN!
✅Enjoy the stream.
✅Please be respectful of all people.
✅You must play to win!
🚫No Racism (or Slurs) or Hate Speech.
🚫No Sexism.
🚫No Political Discrimination.
🚫No Religious Discrimination.
🚫No foul language or insulting of any kind.
🚫No Trolling.
🚫No self promoting.
🚫No promoting others.
🚫No Spamming the chat
🚫No Age discussion.
🚫No spoilers.
🚫Don't ask for a shoutout or free stuff.
🚫Don't be a Horace the Hate Bug.